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The Tick Tack and Nick nacks of making new Friends in New College

 Friendship - the most overlooked but widespread form of love, bonding and unity to ever exist. Many have quoted- "More important than the things that we have in our lives are the people that we have in our lives. True friendship makes us feel full of love and happiness, and that is a feeling that you can’t put a price on." “Friendship is a wildly underrated medication.”   “Some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on your life you can barely remember what life was like without them.” It is a fact   That humans may survive without society but cannot truly live without it. It is the bonds of friendships that cements our society together. The human mind chafes without that contact and interaction and it becomes true more so when we are in place that is completely new to us. Being a 1st year college student and in a city quite far away from my hometown with languages not truly foreign but still of forms and culture so different from my home state I was unsure whether

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