The Tick Tack and Nick nacks of making new Friends in New College

 Friendship - the most overlooked but widespread form of love, bonding and unity to ever exist.

Many have quoted-

"More important than the things that we have in our lives are the people that we have in our lives. True friendship makes us feel full of love and happiness, and that is a feeling that you can’t put a price on."

“Friendship is a wildly underrated medication.” 

 “Some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on your life you can barely remember what life was like without

It is a fact  That humans may survive without society but cannot truly live without it. It is the bonds of friendships that cements our society together. The human mind chafes without that contact and interaction and it becomes true more so when we are in place that is completely new to us.

Being a 1st year college student and in a city quite far away from my hometown with languages not truly foreign but still of forms and culture so different from my home state I was unsure whether i will truly fit in. I was fortunate enough to find many others from my culture and locality, making the transition easier than what i thought it would be, even more blessed i am with my college's supporting environment and really good class and hostel mates( especially the hostel mates..).

Alas not all my friends were truly that fortunate in their respective cities they went for studies , resulting in many hour long chats were we discussed about how things might have been better for them had they known how to of making friends( with most of us belonging to head-in-clouds-introverted group of nerds..) . So we researched  and tried and tested various methods and shenanigans of how-to of making friends in a new place( especially "COLLEGE").



These videos were all we encountered at first ,but after a while when we slowly started asking question of how ,why and whereby we encountered our first fly....

A senior CR (Class Representative if not clear) we knew from a joint nerds club( those are secret and they exists....) surrounded by gaggle of friends( cough-followers-cough) raving about something the distance did not allow us to truly (eavesdrop)learn about . But we did find our first sponsor( no matter how much unwilling or blackmailed into it , then never stopped.


We finally compiled a list that we think might be useful to you in making those friend circles in a new college you dream lets go.



1.Engage with Classmates

The classroom is a good place for college students to engage with classmates. It works as a bridge between them. When they sit in the class, introduce one another. Discuss with each other what you have learned yesterday. 

Why you have chosen this course or subject? Are you enjoying college life or not?

When you ask these typical questions, they will answer you. After some days, you may also become good friends.

So, it is one of the best steps to make new friends in college by conversing with the class fellow during or after college time.


2.Get A Study Partner

Inviting your classmate as a study partner is also a perfect idea. By discussing study issues, you may become good friends in the future. You will also feel comfortable in such a company.

You can solve all the problems and issues mutually. Through conversation, you can feel mental peace and comfort. So, this method is one of the perfect steps to new make friends in college.

3.Attend Events

College organizations like sororities and fraternities arrange several events in college. All the college students participate in these arrangements and gatherings .Some typical events like Funfair, and Music Parties, are organized in college for entertainment and enjoyment .When you attend these activities, you may come across like-minded students. They may like your company .You can also introduce yourself to them. So, these gatherings are playing an important role in making new friends at the college level.

4.Online Connection

Making a connection via online platforms is the easiest way to make new friends in college. In recent times, various social media tools are being used globally. Several apps have the features to offer a community by forming various groups.

 In these groups, the phone numbers of students are presents. By finding out numbers from their groups like WhatsApp Group, they can send messages to them. Online conversation is convenient for students.

So, these approaches are beneficial for students to share their queries and problems at any time and offer opportunities to make new relationships with college students.

Online connection is of the most appropriate steps for making new friends in college.


5.Be Friendly Towards Everyone

The most essential approach that should be adopted by college students is to be friendly with others. Those students who are introverted and shy, don’t normally behave friendly and openly with others.

They like to live in loneliness. Sometimes, they don’t try to join the company of new college students. However, extroverts are always willing to make new friends. They like to share ideas and concepts with others. They want to enjoy themselves by spending extra time with their close friends. So, they are good and acceptably talk with one another and get the opportunity to meet with humbled students. This also one of the manner able steps for making new friends in college.

6.Join Clubs On-Campus

There are many organizations and clubs in college. These communities are run by college senior and junior students.


By getting a membership in these organizations, you can extend your social circle. You get the chance to converse with new students. In the future, you may become good friends of each other’s.

For instance, if you are a book wormer, you can join a reading club at the college level. This will offer to make new friends who are like you. You can discuss ideas and thoughts with them. So, these stations are the best steps for making new friends in college.

7.Get to Know Your Roommate

In your dorm in a hostel, you may have roommates. By spending a little time with them, you can explore a good connection with them if you are interested .In certain situations, both are of the same classes and no one needs to ask typical questions like course, subject or department, etc., and will assist you to deal the personal and college affairs.


8.Sports Activities

Participating in a sports activity offers you to come across sportsmen. The game in which you are interested gives you a chance to communicate and visit them.


 Many games are being played in every corner of the world. Students also involve in specific games like cricket, football, hockey, and various others.


Generally, some students have to do a part-time job in college so that they can earn money to pay their college dues. The workers can corporate with one another during their work. They can ask someone to help them.


Make healthy relationship with your teachers

This mutual working and coordination in the future may lead to a strong bond of friendship between them. In certain situations, they can get a chance to work with their college students. It will strengthen their relationship in college as well.

In these places, students can create a relationship of friendship with those who are aged and experienced compared to them. It will broaden their social circle and get a chance to make friends beyond the boundaries of college life.

10.Discussion Sessions

Discussion sessions are also a tool to construct a bond of friendship between college students. They take part in these discussions and interpret the stances of each other.

Discussion Sessions

They share their ideas and contribute to conversations on typical topics like World Order, Terrorism, and so on. These gatherings provide access to them to talk with the new members and participants. So, it is also the best approach to making friends in college.

11. Go ahead, make the first move.

Many introverts (me!) wait for others to come to them. Having survived our share of awkward interactions, we may worry about rejection. Don't let it stop you go ahead you can do it.

12.Sit with Familiar Strangers at the Dining Hall.

It really did help me a lot in making new friends from extremely diverse streams with fresh perspective on how to do somethings. Just sit , do not barge in conversation after some time you will be naturally included.(like magic)

Thus, I end this list hoping you might have found something useful, something that will help you in making lots of new and good friends in your new college ( not just 'cool' one's us nerds included). 

Wishing you the best and happy friend hunting. 
